Automatically identify non-barcoded fresh produce and bulk items, like nuts and confectionery, for a faster, more convenient shopping experience.
Tiliter computer vision products take the guess work out of buying items without barcodes. The AI software automatically identifies fresh produce and bulk items.
Help your shoppers enjoy a faster, easier, and more convenient shopping experience with no long look-up or search menus.
The automatic identification reduces screen touch-points and gets shoppers out of the store quicker.
Improve your in-store operations with more efficient processes for cashiers and shoppers.
Tiliter AI makes retail tech for everyday, accessible to everyone.
Shopping for fresh made easy, with Tiliter AI software
Reduce customer queues and wait time.
Save money by reducing shrinkage caused by incorrect product selections.
Increase efficiency across your store.
Reduce shrinkage and fraud while enhancing efficiency with AI.